Ishkama Ltd

Our Services

Nurturing Well-being with Holistic Care

Welcome to Ishkama, where we offer a range of holistic services designed to enhance your well-being and promote personal growth. Our services include stress management, reflexology, reiki, hypnotherapy, aromatherapy, meditation, feng shui, yoga, and counseling. Each service is tailored to meet your unique needs, helping you achieve balance, relaxation, and inner peace.

Hypnotherapy is a kind of mind-body intervention in which hypnosis is used to create a state of focused attention and enhanced suggestibility in the treatment of a medical or psychological disorder or concern.
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Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It involves the laying on of hands to channel "life energy" into a person's body. Reiki is a form of complementary therapy.
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Stress management
Stress management is a broad spectrum of psychotherapies and techniques that aims at controlling a person's level of stress, particularly chronic, and for the motive of improving everyday functioning.
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Aromatherapy may facilitate relaxation and enable relief of stress. It has also been used to help treat a broad range of mental and physical conditions, infections, including burns, depression, insomnia, and high blood pressure.
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Reflexology involves applying gentle pressure on specific points, mainly on your feet, and possibly on hands or ears, aiming to alleviate stress and enhance overall well-being by improving bodily functions.
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Hypnotherapy is a kind of mind-body intervention in which hypnosis is used to create a state of focused attention and enhanced suggestibility in the treatment of a medical or psychological disorder or concern.
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Meditation is a practice in which you focus your efforts on achieving a state of consciousness beyond the physical world. It may also seem like an impossible or mystical process, but it's much simpler than you might think.
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Yoga is a system of physical, mental, and spiritual practices. It originated in ancient India as a philosophical and spiritual practice. Yoga is now practiced as an activity that promotes the health and well-being of the body and mind.
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Feng shui
Feng Shui is a set of beliefs and practices that originated in China that deals with the arrangement, layout, orientation, direction of furniture, appliances, or anything else within a home or workplace.
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