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Multiple Personality Disorder: Is it Real?

Multiple Personality Disorder or Dissociative identity disorder (DID), a mental condition in which a person has two or more different personas, is referred to as a split personality. Each personality has the potential to think, act, and behave entirely differently.

This illness is frequently brought on by trauma, especially in early life. Although DID has no known treatment, long-term care may help patients merge their distinct personas into one. These personalities frequently contrast sharply with one another. For a while, these disjointed personalities take over the person’s identity.

A person also retains their primary identity, often known as their host identity, which is their true self and they go by their given name. They may not be aware of the other personas because their core personality is typically more subdued. The new personality that emerges after a personality change will have a unique past, a fresh identity, and alternative behaviors.

A distinct personality will have a different self-perception. For instance, a person who is born with the male gender may have a secret identity as a woman. They could feel as though they have biologically female sex characteristics.

Causes of Dissociative identity disorder

DID’s precise cause is not well understood. But there is a clear connection between the disorder and trauma. This might be especially true for childhood abuse or trauma. 90% of DID sufferers in Europe, the United States, and Canada were victims of serious childhood trauma.

A person with the disorder struggles to assimilate and integrate specific facets of their identity, which over time become disconnected.

Signs and symptoms

Although the symptoms of DID can vary, they all include switching between two or more distinct personas.

The following symptoms may be present:

  • Having two or more distinct personalities, each with their own self-identity and viewpoints.
  • A significant shift in one’s concept of self.
  • Regular memory lapses and gaps in a personal history that are not caused by typical forgetfulness, such as memory loss and forgetting routine events

When these other personas take control, they frequently speak in a different language and make other gestures. In some circumstances, one personality may also develop behaviors like smoking or becoming violent that the other does not.

A person may also feel various symptoms when they change from one personality to another. Because they may be terrified of the personality change, some people may experience anxiety. Some people might act violently or angrily. These transitions may be noticed by one individual, even while others may not notice them or recall them at all.

In response to particular circumstances, certain personalities may manifest. These symptoms can significantly disturb a person and interfere with their ability to go about their daily lives regularly.

Other signs can include:

  • amnesia
  • losing a sense of time
  • going into a trance-like state
  • out-of-body experiences, or depersonalization
  • engaging in behaviors that are unusual for the person
  • sleep disturbances


DID diagnosis takes time. Doctors must pay attention to a patient’s symptoms and rule out other diseases because misdiagnosis is a typical occurrence.

Doctors must consider the patient’s various personalities and their effects in order to establish a thorough diagnosis.


There are no recommendations for managing DID. Treatments are frequently recommended by doctors on an individual basis.

There is no specific drug for DID. Plans for treatment take care of any coexisting disorders and may include both psychotherapy and any medications that may be required to treat symptoms.


The major form of therapy for those with DID is psychotherapy, or talk therapy. Techniques like cognitive behavioural therapy may be able to assist a person in processing and coming to terms with the triggers that lead to personality changes.

Psychotherapy for DID tries to support a person’s identity integration and post-traumatic stress disorder coping skills.

Other therapies

The use of relaxation techniques, movement therapy, and art therapy may all be beneficial in the treatment of DID. In a low-stress setting, these techniques might assist people in connecting different parts of their minds.

Ishkama is the greatest place to receive treatment and counseling if you or anybody you know needs assistance with the aforementioned issue. Please get in touch with us.

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