About Me

Spiritual life coach, Tarot Master, Holistic Therapist & Event organizer.
Director & Founder -Kahkassha Divine House Pvt Ltd.
Founder- NGO Divine Social Society
Director- Ashkash Industries Pvt Ltd
Inner Peace Chairperson Madhya Pradesh- All Ladies League
Madhya Pradesh State President for Art leadership- WICCI Women Indian Chamber Of Commerce And Industries
Kahkasha Saxena experiences and shares life through Love, Care, Goodness & Compassion. A graduate from Delhi University, kahkasha began her career as a International Reiki Grand Master 27 yrs before. Being a Natural Healer with inborn Intuitive Instincts and an advisor all her life, she realised her mission to be an Occultist, Wellness Coach, Holistic Therapist & a Holistic Healer practicing and teaching various forms of Predictive Sciences & Healing Modalities for over 25 years.
This multi-faceted personality uses her all-embracing knowledge to empower people to achieve their full potential in their journey towards Personal & Spiritual growth. She is also into art activities. Organizing talent shows, fashion shows, creating events for singers and dancers, also interested in modeling and acting.
Kahkasha’s dedication has been well awarded from time to time to have been honoured like Iconic Women for Creating Better World and Best Astrologer In Central India.
Serving the city of Bhopal by her ngo Divine Social Society distributing blankets, and food to poor, tree plantation program in different areas of Bhopal city, Encouraging girls to play cricket in various government schools, organised Alzymer disease program for old people at old age home on world book day. From past two years she is running a helmet awareness program called Amit suraksha in which she offers roses to the people who are wearing helmet in the memory of her late brother in law Amit Saxena who passed away in an accident.