About Me

Founder and Promoter of Deuchakar trust, International partner United Kingdom and Northern Ireland for World business angels investment forum, Director / Chief executive of strategic development IAMA&FIP, Director Consta group U.K., Director MGlory U.K., UAE , Zanzibar, Egypt, Associate partner Maverick academy U.K., UAE, BERLIN, Georgia,Honorary Representative of Georgia Asia Africa development Council, Official representative of International relations Center, Vice President COUNCIL OF INTERNATIONAL CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE, Founder Deuchakar group, Executive Director Business Development HH Sheikh Qassimi Private office ( royal family uAe 00), Member Board of Director – Asia Africa Devlopment Council Managed by Council for Sustainable Peace and Development, Head of Foreign Affairs -Arab Union Sustainability Development and Peace, Advisory Board Asian African Commerce and Industry.
Chairman- International Human Rights Association, United Kingdom (IGO), Diplomatic Ambassador for Kingdom of Atlantis into the United Kingdom, CEO Deochakar Group of Industries United Kingdom, India and UAE, Diplomatic Fellow (FIGHR) UN, Internatinal Officers Greens of color (Green Party, United Kingdom ), Multiple international awards and recognition holder, Short List HORT LIST NOMINEE NATIONAL DIVERSITY AWARD U.K., Women of Substance Global Global Recognition 2021 Award by Leaders without Borders Development, Key Humanitarian Member UN Women Unit Kingdom, Global Icon Award Holder -Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity, She is Keynote Speaker, panelist, Chief Guest on 200 + International Forums, ( MDMUN, FDMUN, WPIMUN, Africana Women Working Group at the United Nations – First Ladies Shared Foum, Humantiarian Partner Young Boss Media U.K., UAE INDIA, Full Chairman U.K., UAE, International Investment and Economic Council World Peace ambassador for world Peace Tracts (JERUSALEM), Full Chairman U.K., CEE AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL EXPERTS ACADEMY IEA (UN ECOSOC SCS SDC -UNESC), National President INSTITUTO EDUCANDO PARA A PAZ, International Advisor International Youth Society, Environment Activist With Greenpeace U.K..
SAVE AMAZON FOREST, Holds Top Voluntary Positions as Ambassador and Country Head in various Prestigious Organizations across GLOBE She is a , Philanthropist, businesswoman, and a CAM practitioner, spending her quality time uplifting the needy and underprivileged sections of society. She is an active supporter of environmental regeneration and strives towards protecting nature proper to the cause.
She has actively participated in various conservational activities in Britain. Born as the second daughter of Dr. Prakash Lal Deuchakar, she was influenced in nature conservation and humanitarian concerns from her small age itself. Her father is a known philanthropist who has worked in India for 35 years to uplift farmers in the rural area. He is the cofounder of the famous Handicraft program, creating jobs for those citizens as entrusting Dr. Satnam Dechachakar to continue his legacy. After her graduation, she actively got involved in humanitarian causes and was a promoter of Naturopathy, which she inherited from her father. Along with her busy business life, she always found time to move forward with her fatheril’s vision. To accomplish her search for truth in life, she even adopted a nun\’s life for 9 years and did many voluntary services. She even promotes and practices alternative naturopathy treatments, including acupressure, finger yoga, breathing techniques, homeopathy, Ayurveda, and hatha yoga. Currently in Ukrainian border working with humanitarian rescue operation teams.