About Me

I am currently a Strategist, Defender of Human Rights, Children, Adolescents and family rights, and Women’s rights, with emphasis on the respect of the Inter-American Convention on the Protection of the Human Rights of the Elders Persons.
Women Leaders of America: Last June 15th, 2022 I have honored to participate as an Analyst to give my reflection, on the International Day of Awareness of Mistreatment of Elder People- Workshop: Iron Generation.
In 2022, I was nominated as Leader and Coordinator of SDG 1- Ending Poverty Think Tank ODS 1 of the Agenda 2030 United Nations-End of the Poverty – at Documentation Science Foundation, SPAIN, coordinating the teamwork of members from different countries of Europe and Latin America.
Analyst & Anti-Corruption Activist of Public & Private Sectors.
Promoter and Defender of the SDG and 10 Principles of Global Compact.
Member of the Anti-Corruption Commission since its foundation (2017) and the Commission for the Development of Professionals in a Relationship of Dependency since 2016 at The Professional Council of Economic Sciences of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
Member of the Global Network of Mentors- Europe.